National Button Day!

Today I celebrated National Button Day! I spent much of my day at a Baking and Sweets Show, but when I got home, I decided to look up some adorable button crafts in honor of the holiday! I might have to do some of these in the future!

I found all of these images on Pinterest and there were plenty more to choose from!

buttonbird buttoncard buttongifttag buttonpicture buttontree buttontreeoncanvas(some of these can be found on etsy, but I had a hard time finding the actual sources to site off of pinterest!)

I hope some of these inspire you to do some crafts of your own! (If you read my blog yesterday where I posted about celebrating National Fast Food Day, I just didn’t get a chance, but since it’s also National Button Day, it totally still counts!)

Tomorrow I celebrate National Baklava Day. Yum!

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